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Showing posts from June, 2011

Our Top 10 Mistakes: (Part 1 of 2) As Basketsgalore approaches its 10th Birthday we’re looking back at some of the highs and lows of setting up an online gift basket business. As you can imagine a lot has changed since the first Basketsgalore website went live in 2001. Over the years the primary website has seen five rewrites with numerous amendments in between. Here is a selection of our most memorable mistakes. And on the basis that more is learnt from our mistakes than our successes, we begin with the aforementioned. 1) Maya the talking Mannequin. This was a great idea in theory. It involved purchasing a software licence to enable a 3D character to talk to the customer and deal with their most frequently asked questions. The character had to be programmed to blink and make facial changes. We got to the point of beginning voice recordings for the character and programming changes in facial expressions. Maya was uploaded to the website, but was met with a hail of opposition. “W

Father's Day Gift Baskets

Well Folks, that next occasion to celebrate is just around the corner - Father's Day falls on Sunday 19th June this year. Have you thought about what present you might get your long suffering dad? At BasketsGalore we have created a range of manly gift baskets, perfect for a Father's Day present . This range of gift baskets contain yummy gourmet treats that dads everywhere will love, from delicious creamy cheeses to Sicilian koppa ham, chilli nuts and stuffed peppers & olives. They say the way to a mans heart is through his stomach after all! You can also create your own basket of goodies if you prefer. We can deliver all over the UK & Ireland on a next day or 2 day basis, so there is still plenty of time to place your order. Simply choose to have the gift delivered on Thursday 16th or Friday 17th June, or there is a special Saturday delivery service for an extra charge to UK addresses. We are also offering one lucky facebook fan the chance to win one of these Father